Souvan, mwen toujou we akizasyon kont moun kap manifeste sou baz ke yo pran kob nan main gwo zotobre pou oganize manif. Li pa on sekre ke manifestasyon mande anpil kob. Li kle tou, si on gwo zotobre bay kob pou oganize on manif, li gen on intere ladann.
Menm jan gwo moun ki te bay anpil kob nan eleksyon yo te ekspekte on bagay an retou. Si ta gen on gwo moun ki bay kob nan manif, li gen on bagay lap cheche.
Ou menm kap akize, kap voye tweet, ki dispozisyon ou pran pouw ede? Siw pa nan peyi a pouw bay kouraj ou, ou ta dwe cheche we ak kek oganizate pouw ofri ed finans ou.
Li tap bon si moun kap viv o deyo peyi a ta oganize yo on jan pou rasanble kob pou ede ak batay pep la.
Sa’w we? Jwet pou ou….
Often, I see accusations against protesters on the basis that they take money from entrepreneurs to organize the rallies.
It’s no secret that protests require a lot of money. It is also important to note that if a businessman funds a rally, there are potentials for him/her.
Just as big donors in the elections were expecting something in return. Funders of rallies have their hopes also.
You the accusers, what steps are you taking to help? If you are not physically in the country to give your support, what is your plan? Are you checking with any organizer in Haiti to offer your support?
It would be nice if people living abroad were organized. It would be easier to raise money to help with the fight or any fight for that matter.
What do you think? Your turn…